Video Tuition For Watercolour Landscape Painting With Jem Bowden

You can purchase my two instructional videos to help you learn watercolour painting from home. Both videos are streamable and downloadable and are over 2 hours duration (too long to fit onto DVD).

See below for previews.

To purchase a video, please send me a quick email to arrange payment and I will then send you a link to the video.
Email:    Thank you.

Plein Air Painting with Jem Bowden

Below is a preview of my latest video on demand.

Follow Jem  out into his ‘natural habitat’ of the outdoors, where direct connection with the landscape and elements brings some painters  (including Jem) to life!

To begin, he provides an introduction to his equipment and preparation. The four demonstrations that follow provide a feel for Jem’s committed and direct attitude to plein air painting. The commentary describes an intuitive approach, combining technique with the aim of enjoying and learning from the experience of the moment, whilst hopefully capturing a sense of it.

The locations are:
A summer’s day on the Somerset levels, a fresh spring morning overlooking a stretch of cornish coastline, a cotswold church in evening light and a hillside farmstead on a blustery afternoon.

Connection with nature provides impetus to paint, a wish to share, or pass on the whole atmosphere of ‘being there’. And also somehow to contribute to that moment, to be a part of it whilst paying tribute to the subject. Watercolour is just the chosen medium. Another person may just see a painting, but for Jem it’s the reason behind the painting that matters most, the motivation being more important than the result.

Running time: 2 hours 12 mins.

PRICE  £25

To buy, please send me a quick email to arrange payment and I will then send you a link to the video.

Email:    Thank you.

Studio Painting with Jem Bowden

Below is a preview of my first video on demand.

This video guides you through some of my key painting methods in the studio environment. Featuring five half imperial size demo paintings, a few short ‘technique introductions’ and much discussion of composition, interpretation, prioritisation and compromise – amongst other watercolour issues.

Subjects covered include:

Strong darks, ‘dry into wet’, ‘wet against wet’ and a soft & hard edge approach to painting fairweather clouds.
The demo paintings feature a dramatic cloud/natural landscape, a beach scene with rock stacks, a Norfolk coastal scene with boat, a farmland barn & pasture and a wetland nature reserve.

Running time:  2 hour and 24 minute running time, in Full HD (1920×1080)


To buy, please send me a quick email to arrange payment and I will then send you a link to the video.
Email:    Thank you.


YouTube Demonstration Videos

I also have several full demo videos on Youtube, plus a couple of other short films. Below is one of these. The demonstrations are unedited, by which I mean you see every brushstroke of the whole painting, which I hope is helpful. The videos are each approx 40 – 50 minutes long.

You can visit (and subscribe to) my YouTube channel to view more free videos.  Click the button below to go there.

Contact Me

If you’d like to contact me to discuss purchasing original watercolour paintings, arranging tuition, attending a painting holiday or for any other reason, then please feel free to email or call me and of course you can also network with me on social media.

T: 0117 9711735