Portishead, coastline and rocks at low tide
Size: 31 x 51 cm
Status: For Sale
Price: £200
I loved doing this painting. One of those that flowed well and very intuitively each moment, inspired by all things. This may or may not be visible to others in the resulting painting, but it's one I'd be pleased to hang onto, should I retire tomorrow (Sadly, that'll not be happening!!). A lovely day, and the clouds on arrival and while I set up the easel were very inspiring. Oh, I love it when a sky like this presents itself, and especially at such a location. An interesting place here, Portishead 'beach'. A silty, very dodgy-underfoot terrain in the 'Bristol channel' of the river Severn. This stretch of coast has one of the largest tidal ranges in the world. The rocks here also have dinosaur footprints in them. It's quite eerie, and there aren't many great compositions to be found, but I like this one. If you do visit, don't get caught out when the tide's coming in!