Tree Near Windrush Gallery, Damp November Morning
Size: 31 x 51 cm
Status: For Sale
Price: £200
This was fun. Cold and damp, but I couldn't help but feel inspired by this tree, spotted the day before on my trip to the opening of the 2019 exhibition of the Pure Watercolour Society (established by the late James Fletcher-Watson) at Windrush Gallery in the Cotswolds. I had the pleasure of painting out on this morning with esteemed painters including David Curtis and Chris Robinson. It was very damp, cold and humid, so I knew I had to make the paper no wetter than necessary or else it would never dry. But this situation does allow a bit more time to work on the painting, so it's a bit less fraught by the need for speed (but potentially more likely to be over-worked!). There was a rook sat in a low branch - about my height - just several feet behind me, and kept making a strange noise. Was completely unbothered by me, which made me feel welcome in the environment.