Plein Air Painting with Jem Bowden
Below is a preview of my latest video on demand.
Follow Jem out into his ‘natural habitat’ of the outdoors, where direct connection with the landscape and elements brings some painters (including Jem) to life!
To begin, he provides an introduction to his equipment and preparation. The four demonstrations that follow provide a feel for Jem’s committed and direct attitude to plein air painting. The commentary describes an intuitive approach, combining technique with the aim of enjoying and learning from the experience of the moment, whilst hopefully capturing a sense of it.
The locations are:
A summer’s day on the Somerset levels, a fresh spring morning overlooking a stretch of cornish coastline, a cotswold church in evening light and a hillside farmstead on a blustery afternoon.
Connection with nature provides impetus to paint, a wish to share, or pass on the whole atmosphere of ‘being there’. And also somehow to contribute to that moment, to be a part of it whilst paying tribute to the subject. Watercolour is just the chosen medium. Another person may just see a painting, but for Jem it’s the reason behind the painting that matters most, the motivation being more important than the result.
Running time: 2 hours 12 mins.
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